
May 8, 2024 all-day

WIL-KIL for 2024

Wednesday, May 8 and Wednesday, September 11

The first application for 2023 will take place on Wednesday, May 8. When Wil-Kil
does this outside application, they will also do the inside of the garages on an individual owner basis if desired by an owner. The inside application is the owner’s choice and will be done on that day only. The inside sprayings will start at 8:00 am and if you want this done at your unit, your garage door should be open by 8:00 am on that day (this will eliminate the need to knock on doors). Wil-Kil will not come back if your door is not open. The owner must be present or have someone there to give access to the garage. If this turns out to be a rain day and the exteriors can’t be done, the garages will still get sprayed and the exteriors will be done at a time when it is dry, maybe even later that day.

Our contract with Wil-Kil is for spider and wasp control only. If there are any problems with spiders/wasps between applications, please contact the Board. As part of our contract, owners are not to contact Wil-Kil directly regarding spiders/wasps. If there are any other inside issues such as mice, ants, etc., it is necessary that the owner contact either Wil-Kil or a pest control company of their choice at their expense.

Please mark your calendars with these Wil-Kil dates for 2024.

P. S. Per Wil-Kil, all edible plants such as vegetables, herbs, spices, etc should be covered so no spray gets on them. Also, all pet bowls, toys, etc should be brought into the house. If they have been left out, they should be washed with soap and water.